• head2Anticipating Future Trends of the Stainless & Specialty Steel Industry For 25 Years


We are specialised in providing market intelligence covering specific segments or entire markets for the global Speciality Steel Industry. The results of our research projects are based on a vast scale data-collection, comprising present and historical information about the supply side (production), trade (exports and imports) and demand side (consumption) of the specific steel products in question. Starting from our extensive database collected since 1994, we carry out detailed surveys into the topics defined by our customers in order to be able to elaborate a complete set of recommendations for strategic action. Our customers are leading specialty steel producers, traders as well as their raw material and technology suppliers.

A typical case when we are called upon is when a steel producer plans an offensive move (e.g. investment) into new markets: either geographically, or by grades. In such cases, we provide all relevant data and information about market potential (end-users, converters, traders), competitors, local specifications, prices, forecasts, etc. for the market concerned. To this end we will not only visit and interview the most important market players, but also consult all other available data sources, like associations, research institutes, etc.


Our philosophy is best expressed through a famous line originated by Leonardo Da Vinci, "ad fontes" (Lat. "to the sources"), meaning that we strive to use only genuine data, gathered as far upstream as possible, namely at the source.


SMR - Steel & Metals Market Research GmbH was founded in 1994 by Markus A. Moll after having spent five successful years in a metals market research firm in Germany. The first location of the new company was Meerbusch, near Duesseldorf, Germany. In 1997 SMR was moved to Ehrwald, Austria and in August 2000 to its present location in Reutte, Tyrol, Austria. Reutte is conveniently located approximately one hour from Innsbruck, or 90 minutes from the Munich airport.

SMR currently employs around 15 persons (plus 2 in our sister company SMR Events and 2 in our sister company SMR Premium), but also engages external market specialists for particular projects whenever required. Additionally we maintain a worldwide network of contacts and informants which includes many highly renowned specialists in their fields. This type of organisation allows us to be large enough to answer all of your questions within a reasonable time, but also small enough to do this efficiently and in a very personalised form.

SMR Group

Whatever you are looking for in the special steel industry, the SMR Group of companies will be able to provide you with the services you need:

SMR - Your Specialist for Customised Single-Client Market Reports

SMR Premium - Your Specialist for High Value Metals Market Research

SMR Events - Stainless & Special Steel Conferences & Seminars